Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Would you like to follow our blog?

Thank you so much for those of you who have been following our blog. I am sorry that I have not been more diligent in my entries. I am definitely going to try to update it more frequently in the future. We are looking for a little help though. The more followers that we have posted on the blog, the better. There might be a possibility that we can get someone that wants to advertise on it, if enough people are looking at it. So, if you want to sign up as a follower, that would be great. All you have to do is click on "follow this blog" which is located by the other pictures of people following. You just follow the steps and enter an email address and password. Thanks so much and Happy New Year to all!


P.S. Send me your e-mail if you would also like me to add you to our e-mailing list. I send out an e-mail when I have updated the blog. My e-mail is and Ozzie's is


Linda said...

Hi, You are the first blog I have ever followed, I just like the way you discribe your travels. Just wish I could do what you are doing. How exciting.

John Audette said...


Put this on Twitter and you will get a ton of followers. My son Adam has over 650 followers and I can ask him to get the ball rolling.

Thanks for updates - I envy you!

Happy New year,